Please contact us if you have any questions not answered here or if you’d like assistance with the application process.

How can I apply for DPOE-N support?

The applications for Professional Development Support and Emergency Hardware Support are linked at the bottom of each program’s page on this website. They are also linked below:

Is there a deadline to apply for DPOE-N support?  

There is no hard deadline. Applications are accepted and approved on a rolling basis through the end of our grant (December 2028) or until we’ve awarded all the funds, whichever comes first.

What is the application approval process and timeline? 

Shortly after submitting your application, you will receive an email from us confirming we have received your application. All applications need to be approved by the DPOE-N Board of Directors. They have 10 business days to review, after which we will notify you of the board’s decision.

If approved for funding, you will need to provide us with a signed IRS W-9 form and some other basic information in order to issue your check. Once we submit your paperwork, you can expect a check in 4-6 weeks.

What opportunities are eligible for DPOE-N Professional Development Support funding?

We try and keep an updated rolling list of currently available digital preservation-related courses on the Training Opportunities page (under Professional Development Support). However, there are likely numerous other opportunities related to the stewardship of digital collections. 

Although applicants must be located in the United States or U.S. territories, they can apply for funding for professional development opportunities offered anywhere in the world.

If you are interested in applying for funding for a professional development opportunity that is not listed, feel free to contact us before applying to confirm course eligibility for funding support.

Can more than one person from my institution apply for funding?

Yes! More than 1 individual can apply as long as each individual’s role is directly related to digital collecting and/or preservation. Each individual should apply separately, as funds are awarded to the individual rather than the institution.

If I’m a volunteer, can I apply for DPOE-N funding?

Yes! If you are a trained library, archives, or museum professional and your role as a volunteer is directly related to digital collecting and/or preservation at a cultural heritage organization, then you are eligible for DPOE-N Support.

Is there a deadline to spend awarded funds?

There is no hard deadline for when the funds need to be spent so long as you have a clear plan for how and when you are planning to use the awarded funds. This should be specified in the question, “How will the funds be used?” on the DPOE-N Professional Development Support Application.

What if my institution’s operating budget is under $50,000?

The operating expense budget minimum and maximum requirements are only for our Emergency Hardware Support, and are not an eligibility requirement for our Professional Development Support. 

For some background, the $50,000 floor budget requirement is a way to help us ensure the organizations DPOE-N is sending hardware to are sustainable and will be around for years to come. Exceptions to this rule have been made. Please contact us to discuss.